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She Calls it My Pinkie Fingernail

Right now, it is a soft red colour

with five purple polka dots

yellow glitter

and a shiny gloss coating


when I look at it, I shake my head invisibly

I know how it has come to this

but how

how has it come to this?


I look at her face, just inches from mine

her eyes are nearly crossed

her tongue peeks out between her teeth in concentration

she is plaiting my beard, and I am letting her


she sometimes draws love hearts on my arms and hands

says they are full of love for when she is in school

calls them juicy

I find myself in no hurry to wash them off


she came to me today, wet-eyed, with a worm in her hands

told me it was sick and asked how we could save it

she was sure that I would know

and all of a sudden, I did

Thrush's Song: Project
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