Magic Trick
Two years later
two years after my body
had said no more
I stepped onto a pitch once again
I no longer walked on the balls of my feet
I no longer felt that burst within
the springs now rusted and unyielding
the first strike of the ball
disappointingly foreign
there were echoes
whispers in the basement
I sat deep and waited
for the game to come to me
and it did
it came as a scream in the wind
it came as flood in the desert
I stood firm
firm as these joints would allow
some of the players were my own age
leaning into the avalanche
with me
some were 25 years younger
full of bad habits
habits that I had corrected
when it was just too late
if I could put my head on their body
if I could take their body for mine
my touch was still there
hiding, almost embarrassed
I could still see a pass
I still had eyes in the back of my head
my one magic trick
but my feet, once lightning
now moved through treacle
my swerve, predictable
my feints, mechanical
what grace I might have had
long since ash
I warred with sleep that night
and woke amazed
at my betrayal of myself
my ankle, my hip, my knee, my back
but my trusted heart
stood with me
as I stood up
and stepped, creaking
into another life